Category Archives: Uncategorized

Life doesn’t happen TO you, it happens THROUGH you

“Life is not controlled by genes, it is controlled by perception” – Bruce Lipton.

How many illnesses and dis-eases are caused today as a result of misconception? What would it take to recognise that your beliefs are not YOU, but that you are making them part of your identity as a result of misconception.
How many people have victimised themselves? Felt sorry for themselves? Everyday people talk about their problems and not taking responsibility for their choices, they are disempowering themselves. They are letting their negativity manifest in their body and mind and create this dis-ease.

Let me tell you a story from my own experience, of how dis-ease in my mind manifested in my body, creating a physical disease.

It started at the end of 2013, about 6 months ago now. I was standing at home in the kitchen in front of the bench, my mum was sitting on the opposite side facing me as I spread butter and honey on my bread (my favourite snack at the time) and stuffed it into my mouth.  We were having a conversation that I did not want to have, but because of her worry (oh, how mothers worry) she was forcing it upon me. It was a very sensitive topic for me, one that opened me up and made me completely and utterly vulnerable. That day, that’s exactly what was happening. I was opened up and vulnerable. It was like my chest  and abdomen had a large vertical incision in it, and my skin was peeled back to reveal my insides. There was nothing there to protect me at all, it was raw and painful.

While my insides were exposed, my skin pulled back, feeling vulnerable as ever, mum said something that completely shocked me.

“He’s got a daughter you know, and an ex wife, and he’s GOT to be at least forty years old”

Wow, her words hit me like paralysing waves of energy. I suddenly could not move. Well, for the sake of acting as if none of this information concerned me (because I didn’t want to be wrong), I moved. But, inside, I was frozen up. It’s like the fight or flight response they teach you at school, where you perceive a threat so your heart rate and blood pressure increases, you start sweating, your adrenal gland excretes adrenaline, glucose starts seeping into your veins, your pupils dilate. I was completely frozen, in shock, I had no idea what to do. I felt my stomach, now full of my toast, turn over uncomfortably. All I knew was that I needed to get out of there.

“I’ll think about it” I told her. Suddenly engulfed with fear, I walked out.

A few weeks later, I started to notice an unusual amount of pimples arising on my face. I had had pimples as a teenager, but never this bad, and hardly more than one or two for years. But now they were coming in clusters, bright red. I noticed other changes in my body, too. I couldn’t digest things very well at all, it was like I wasn’t absorbing the nutrients properly because I was constantly out of energy. I had Glandular Fever a few months before, but this exhaustion was different. Before I had lots of energy I could access, but my body was way too run down to use it. This time, my body was recovered and able to use the energy, but there was none there. I wondered what was wrong, so I went to my doctor.

She ordered a blood test and month later, after a gastroscopy and biopsy, I was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease. Wow, what a coincidence, I thought. What was I eating when I experienced that shock a few months earlier? Yep, bread, wheat. What was coeliac disease? An autoimmune disease when your body perceives gluten (a substance in WHEAT, barely, oats, and something else I can’t remember) as a pathogen (e.g, something that is trying to attack it).

I wasn’t quite so sure that that was a coincidence.

I slowly started to realise that through misconception (because later I found out that the information from my mother wasn’t actually attacking me, it was my mind that made thought it was), I had perceived the shock as an attack against me when I was too vulnerable to protect myself. My body had associated gluten with the experience, because it was in my stomach at the time, and thus thought that gluten was trying to attack me, causing an imbalance, a dis-ease. Every-time from then on that I ate gluten, it triggered the initial shock and thus created the same reaction in my body.

I learnt how Coeliac Disease was not a result of a genetic heritance, it was a result of my perception. I also learnt that, anything that you have created, you can also uncreate. All you need to do it change the attitude, belief, perception, emotion, thought that initially created the imbalance.

Take responsibility for your won choses, then you will be empowered to change. Stop victimising yourself, and create the life you want to live. Remember life doesn’t happen TO you, it happens THROUGH you

Hello world – Seeking God

S.P.I.R.I.T Ministries


Inspired by: God


Welcome back to Spirit Ministries ladies and gentlemen. I would like to thank each and everyone of you for the positive feed back about my last newsletter. God is truly working in my life and that is Good News. I consider it an honor being able to share the Word of God with anyone who is receptive to the truth. Furthermore, I pray that this issue will touch your hearts and open your eyes in ways you have never imagined. I give God all glory for this is his work , without him I could not do this. He gives me the wisdom, the strength, and the courage to put these words on paper, he is my provider. I thankyou Lord for all of the blessings you have brought to my life.

Last time I spoke on pride and how it can seperate us…

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Dealing With Your Complaints In Love- Relationship Real Talk Time- Day 235: 365 Radical Self Love Project

So true!

The Radical Self Love Project

Persistent complaints in relationships.

The judgements we have about others are a fascinating thing. The biggest illusion we all get caught in is thinking our complaints are the truth. They may occur that way, in fact they often do. The thicker the illusion the more our complaints seem real.

Here is the Kicker

Your complaints about your partner are not about your partner- they are about you.

This is one of the main reasons why most relationship issues are rarely resolved. We think the problem is someone else. They need to change. They need to fix something about themselves. Judgement after judgement.

All this judging cuts us off from our life force and the love within.

Inner-PeaceFor those of you who are ready to drop the exhausting loop of illusion and fear, keep reading because this will forever change the way in which YOU show up for your relationships and…

View original post 608 more words

Be vigilant against temptation

“Whatever form temptation seems to take, it always but reflects a wish to be a self that you are not. And from that wish a concept rises, teaching that you are the thing you wish to be. It will remain your concept of yourself until the wish that fathered it no longer is held dear. But while you cherish it, you will behold your brother in the likeness of the self whose image has the wish begot of you. For seeing can but represent a wish, because it has no power to create. Yet it can look with love or look with hate, depending only on the simple choice of whether you would join with what you see, or keep yourself apart and separate.

“The savior’s vision is as innocent of what your brother is as it is free of any judgement made upon yourself. It sees no past in anyone at all. And thus it serves a wholly open mind, unclouded by old concepts, and prepared to look on only what the present holds. It cannot judge because it does not know. And recognizing this, it merely asks, “What is the meaning of what I behold?” Then is the answer given. And the door held open for the face of Christ to shine upon the one who asks, in innocence, to see beyond the veil of old ideas and ancient concepts help so long and dear against the vision of the Christ in you.

“Be vigilant against temptation, then, remembering that it is but a wish, insane and meaningless, to make yourself a thing that you are not. And think as well upon the thing that you would be instead It is a thing of madness, pain and death; a thing of treachery and black despair, of failing dreams and no remaining hope except to die, and end the dream of fear. THIS is temptation; nothing more than this. Can this be difficult to choose against? Consider what temptation is, and see the real alternatives you choose between. There are but two. Be not deceived by what appears as many choices. There is hell or Heaven, and of these you choose but one. “
– A Course in Miracles

Creating your vision

I have been completing a course based on A Course In Miracles for the last month and wanted to share the exercise for today. It will take some time, but it is definitely worth it!

I just spent 30 minutes or so typing away at whatever came up for me, without judging it or sorting through it. I just typed the words as they came to me. And I was amazed at what I came up with! I had no idea I could write a whole page.

If you let yourself be completely vulnerable then you will get a lot more out of this exercise. Good luck 🙂

“1. LISTEN TO MY VOICE: Be still. Rest in God, and listen to what A Course in Miracles calls “my voice” – the voice of Jesus, the voice of your Christ Mind. Think about what you would love to do. What brings you joy? Listen in stillness for Divinely Inspired Ideas for what would make you happy. With these things in mind, write down a Vision for your life – about a page – a specific description of your life, with you doing exactly what you have always wanted to do, as if its happening now. 

Write it in “I AM” language as if you are doing it now or have done it. “I love my life. I am … “

2. LEARN TO UNDO ERROR: See if there is any resistance, fear or blocks getting in the way of you living this life. What stories or excuses are coming up for you (if any) that are keeping you from being truly alive, doing what you love right now?

3. DO SOMETHING TO CORRECT THE ERROR: Take a step, an action, that proves that the error/the block cannot hold you back. Do something to correct the error, to dissolve the fear and live this life starting now. Do it today. Pick up your bed and walk. “

– Lisa Natoli

You can either be a host to your God or a hostage to your ego” – Wayne Dyer


Thank-you to the wonderful Clarissa who has nominated me for the 2013 Blog of the Year award! It is an absolute honour and – must I say – surprise to have received this. The first time I met Clarissa I thought that she had commented on one of my posts “You’re just a dumbass” until I realised that this was actually the name of her blog. Whoops. Well – I am glad that I visited it in the end because what she has to say is truly inspiring and can always put a smile to my face.  Please pay a visit to her blog because her stories, lessons, and advice are well worth it.

The ‘rules’ for this award are simple:

  1. Select another blog(s) who deserve the award;
  2. Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen – there’s no minimum or maximum number of blogs required – and ‘present’ them with their award;
  3. Include a link back to this page ‘Blog of the Year 2013’ Award and provide these ‘rules’ in your post (please don’t alter the rules or the badges!)
  4. Let the blog(s) you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the ‘rules’ with them
  5. You can now also join our Facebook group – click ‘like’ on this page ‘Blog of the Year 2013’ Award Facebook group and then you can share your blog with an even wider audience.
  6. As a winner of the award – please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award – and then proudly display the award on your blog and sidebar … and start collecting stars…

This is in no ranked order. I admire and am inspired by them all equally. The list of my nominees are:

The Rose

Some say love, it is a river
that drowns the tender redd.
Some say love, it is a razor
that leaves your soul to bleed.
Some say love, it is a hunger,
an endless aching need.
I say love, it is a flower,
and you its only seed.
It’s the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance.
It’s the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance.
It’s the one who won’t be taken,
who cannot seem to give,
and the soul afraid of dying
that never seems to live.
When the night has been too loney
and the road has been too long,
and you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong.
Just remember in the winter
far benneath the bitter snows
lies the seed that with sun’s love
in the spring becomes the rose.
– Leann Rime

My pathetic attempt at writing a book – Enjoy!

The traffic on the way home was busy. It was a Friday evening and everyone was rushing to get home from work. The dark clouds above looked ominous as I sat in a mile long queue for the lights. I wondered what Edan was doing. I imagined her telling the girls to do their homework. I imagined the sulky looks on their faces as they reluctantly stormed into their rooms. Ron wouldn’t care less, he would just put his earphones in and play computer games. How he could never get bored of it was beyond me.  Edan holds school highly. She believes that success is gained through your level of education, social status and salary. When we first met, some 18 years ago, I believed this too. Mainly because I was so in love with her that I never disagreed with any view that she shared with me. But lately that has been changing. I feel there is more to success that that.

I reached for the vanilla drink the lady had so intently sold to me at the market. Not bad, I thought. Tasty, organic, and refreshing. Maybe science is right.

The car in front of me started to move. A blue Holden. I’m not very in sync with the car world, but I was pretty sure it was a commodore. Terry would know if he were here. For the last 10 years I’ve put up with his rants about all the new models. Or the old ones. Whichever topic took his fancy on the given day. He had a hobby of buying old, run-down cars and doing them up. Most of the time he got so attached to them that he didn’t want to sell them again. But Siobhan, that’s his wife, threatened that she would walk out unless he sold them all. Poor Terry, Siobhan has been a bit uptight lately. Something about being infertile. I don’t like to ask questions, but it seems to be straining the marriage. The last few weeks I’ve gotten calls from Terry inviting me to the pub for a drink. I had a feeling that he was having more than one.

Five cars back from the lights. Not too bad for ten minutes of waiting – maybe there is a god looking down on us all. I watched the lights of the cars blur from the rain on my windscreen. Green arrow lit up – should be our turn soon.

The rest of the drive home was easy. The blue Holden soon turned left into a side street and I followed a white ute the rest of the way down the main road. Nice car that ute, it knew exactly what speed I liked going and made sure it didn’t get in my way. I waved to the driver as he turned to express my gratitude. He returned by wave with a puzzled look. Fair enough, I thought, I would be confused too.

Edan was in the kitchen when I got home. Friday, must be steak night. She had her back to me as I walked in. “Hey” I said, letting her know I was home. She was wearing brown slacks and a khaki top. Her hair splayed as she turned around. That hair. I remember the first time I saw that hair. She was sitting on the steps to the library when I happened to walk past and trip over right in front of her. Her red, fiery hair glistened in the sun. Each strand spelt out the word danger. But I didn’t listen to the warnings, I was too blind.

“Hey”, she replied, “you’re home late today. Was work busy?”

“No,” I said. “I just dropped into the market on the way home”.

She seemed to take this well. Usually she tells me how work is more important and that I should be spending more time there, getting promotions and earning money. I’ve tried telling her that work isn’t everything, that I’m not a machine. But I’ve given up. She never listens.

“What did you get?” she inquired.

This, again, was unexpected. I wondered if she could sense my surprise. The way I cocked my head or the slight raise of my eyebrow that I quickly fought to suppress.

“Some vanilla detox, weight-loss drink that’s supposed to be really good for me. I picked up from raspberry drops for the kids. I know Bella really likes them”.

I turned around before she could answer back. Mirabella does like raspberry drops. Especially the ones from the Friday night market. And plus, after all the work dinners I’ve attended this week, I deserved a detox. No one can work that much – I was beginning to not see the point of it. My family has everything they need to survive. Why should we want more?

Our bedroom was faintly lit. The way Edan likes it. ‘It eases my stress’ she says. I turned on the light and sat down on the bed. The grey bedspread looked wrinkled and faded and beaten. The dark lamp shade seemed to sag down so much that it was nearly touching the alarm clock. The walls looked withered and ruined. They were once white. A white so pure that it hurt my eyes when I looked at it. But now they looked old. Old and stained and withered. I noticed a rose I had given Edan a month ago for our anniversary. Obviously the room had sucked out all of its life too. It stood there, only supported by the vase, its petals dry and crisp and falling. Had I aged with the room too? Had it sucked all of the life out of me too?

“Daddy!”. It was Rachel. I don’t remember her ever not being excited to see me. Her voice sounded like a bird’s whistle. The tone – so beautiful and delicate. I could hear her footsteps running excitedly down the hallway.

“Hey sweetie” I said as she zoomed around the corner of the room and into my lap. “how was school?”

“It was ok. Mrs Arch was sick today so we had Mr Baulch instead. But he scares me. And Simone couldn’t play with me at lunch because she had a blood nose and had to go to sick bay. And now mummy is making me finish my homework even though I told her I did homework last night.”

I had to smile. Rachel was the cutest thing in the world. Her tiny hand grasped my shoulder as she pulled herself to sit upright. She was wearing her pink pyjamas with the yellow sunflowers on them. Her favourite.

“Well,” I told her, “You don’t need to do anymore homework tonight. And I bought a surprise for you and Bella for after dinner”.

“What is it?” she demanded.

“A surprise,” I explained, “is not a surprise if I tell you”.

She looked down at her feet. “Ok”, she whimpered.

We both looked up, startled, as my wife’s voice rang down the hallway, “dinner’s ready”.

“You know daddy,” Rachel said, wriggling in my lap, “there are more connections in your brain than there are stars in the solar system. Mr Baulch told us that today. We are learning about the planets. How many stars are there in the solar system?” I looked at her. Those bright blue eyes were like a sea full of questions. She always kept me on my toes. Always eager to learn more.

“There are a lot. More than there are hairs on your head”. She smiled at me, a bright colourful smile. Full of dreams and anticipation. Satisfied with my answer, she slipped off my lap and ran down the hallway to the dinner table.

–          – –

“I just don’t understand, nothing I do makes him study. And he’s got important exams coming up soon”.

Edan was in fumes. If the heaviness of her footsteps down the hall and the slamming of the door didn’t give it away – I was defiantly aware of it now. He red hair seemed to be on fire –  sparks were flying out of it. Careful to dodge them, I walked across the room.

I didn’t bother suggesting that she let him be. That he is old enough to choose for himself and that one day he would learn that maybe study was the better option.

“Edan – “ I started – “get some rest and I’ll talk to him tomorrow.” I knew that talking to him would be useless, but I didn’t know what else to day. Ron had been bothering her for a while now. If there were a gene for work ethic, it defiantly didn’t get passed on to him.

Edan was still standing there, her muscles tense, he face screwed up like she had just eaten a lemon.

“He’s a teenager,” I reminded her, “of course he isn’t going to listen”. This obviously was not what I was meant to say. She stormed off into the bathroom, and started running the shower. Her presence still stained the walls of the room.

Better just leave it, I told myself