Life doesn’t happen TO you, it happens THROUGH you

“Life is not controlled by genes, it is controlled by perception” – Bruce Lipton.

How many illnesses and dis-eases are caused today as a result of misconception? What would it take to recognise that your beliefs are not YOU, but that you are making them part of your identity as a result of misconception.
How many people have victimised themselves? Felt sorry for themselves? Everyday people talk about their problems and not taking responsibility for their choices, they are disempowering themselves. They are letting their negativity manifest in their body and mind and create this dis-ease.

Let me tell you a story from my own experience, of how dis-ease in my mind manifested in my body, creating a physical disease.

It started at the end of 2013, about 6 months ago now. I was standing at home in the kitchen in front of the bench, my mum was sitting on the opposite side facing me as I spread butter and honey on my bread (my favourite snack at the time) and stuffed it into my mouth.  We were having a conversation that I did not want to have, but because of her worry (oh, how mothers worry) she was forcing it upon me. It was a very sensitive topic for me, one that opened me up and made me completely and utterly vulnerable. That day, that’s exactly what was happening. I was opened up and vulnerable. It was like my chest  and abdomen had a large vertical incision in it, and my skin was peeled back to reveal my insides. There was nothing there to protect me at all, it was raw and painful.

While my insides were exposed, my skin pulled back, feeling vulnerable as ever, mum said something that completely shocked me.

“He’s got a daughter you know, and an ex wife, and he’s GOT to be at least forty years old”

Wow, her words hit me like paralysing waves of energy. I suddenly could not move. Well, for the sake of acting as if none of this information concerned me (because I didn’t want to be wrong), I moved. But, inside, I was frozen up. It’s like the fight or flight response they teach you at school, where you perceive a threat so your heart rate and blood pressure increases, you start sweating, your adrenal gland excretes adrenaline, glucose starts seeping into your veins, your pupils dilate. I was completely frozen, in shock, I had no idea what to do. I felt my stomach, now full of my toast, turn over uncomfortably. All I knew was that I needed to get out of there.

“I’ll think about it” I told her. Suddenly engulfed with fear, I walked out.

A few weeks later, I started to notice an unusual amount of pimples arising on my face. I had had pimples as a teenager, but never this bad, and hardly more than one or two for years. But now they were coming in clusters, bright red. I noticed other changes in my body, too. I couldn’t digest things very well at all, it was like I wasn’t absorbing the nutrients properly because I was constantly out of energy. I had Glandular Fever a few months before, but this exhaustion was different. Before I had lots of energy I could access, but my body was way too run down to use it. This time, my body was recovered and able to use the energy, but there was none there. I wondered what was wrong, so I went to my doctor.

She ordered a blood test and month later, after a gastroscopy and biopsy, I was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease. Wow, what a coincidence, I thought. What was I eating when I experienced that shock a few months earlier? Yep, bread, wheat. What was coeliac disease? An autoimmune disease when your body perceives gluten (a substance in WHEAT, barely, oats, and something else I can’t remember) as a pathogen (e.g, something that is trying to attack it).

I wasn’t quite so sure that that was a coincidence.

I slowly started to realise that through misconception (because later I found out that the information from my mother wasn’t actually attacking me, it was my mind that made thought it was), I had perceived the shock as an attack against me when I was too vulnerable to protect myself. My body had associated gluten with the experience, because it was in my stomach at the time, and thus thought that gluten was trying to attack me, causing an imbalance, a dis-ease. Every-time from then on that I ate gluten, it triggered the initial shock and thus created the same reaction in my body.

I learnt how Coeliac Disease was not a result of a genetic heritance, it was a result of my perception. I also learnt that, anything that you have created, you can also uncreate. All you need to do it change the attitude, belief, perception, emotion, thought that initially created the imbalance.

Take responsibility for your won choses, then you will be empowered to change. Stop victimising yourself, and create the life you want to live. Remember life doesn’t happen TO you, it happens THROUGH you

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