Tag Archives: Open Letter

Open Letter

My Friend,

I feel blessed.

Blessed to call me your friend.

Blessed that, after all these years, I still have you as a friend.

Blessed that we, after time away, come back to right where we left off.

Blessed that with you, I feel at home. I can tell you anything. And although you may laugh. You’re not laughing at me. Although you may cry, you are crying with me.

You accept my faults

In fact you accentuate them

And somehow – it works.


I am blessed to know, that we hold trust between us.

That this mutual agreement,

for lack of better words,



Blessed that you have the bravery

To expose your true vulnerabilities to me.


I may even go so far to say

that I am blessed that

you have empowered me with the knowledge to guide you

Wherever you wish to go.


My Friend, you have blessed me with all of these gifts.

Now let me give back